Our Services
Scholarly Analysis
Glfx Lilongwe
About Us
We are CASA
The Centre for Applied Systems Analysis (CASA) is an independent, non-partisan knowledge centre established in 2016 and located in Lilongwe, Malawi. CASA works to catalyze knowledge production and use in public decision-making, policy development and practice for overall wellbeing of men and women in Malawi.
To create a Malawi where public decisions, policies and practice are informed by the best available evidence.
To catalyze production and use of evidence-based knowledge in Malawi.
We value holistic, knowledge-based approaches to the most pressing human challenges.
The Advisory Board provides high level strategic guidance to the operations of the Centre. The Advisory Board meets twice a year and it comprises both local and international experts in the focal programmes of the Centre.
CASA has a lean management team, which overseas day-to-day business activities of the Centre. The management team is lead by a Director who provides strategic direction and control to ensure that the Centre achieves its vision, mission and long-term goals. The Director is supported by a Finance and Administration Manager who oversees all financial
These are technical experts leading the programme areas of CASA. Each Programme Leader provides an organizational link among work streams which are established from time-to-time in line with changes in target programmatic areas.
These are technical experts leading each of the workstreams established in the programme areas of the Centre. The workstream leader provides technical backstopping of the activities in the workstream.